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Success Stories

Since we set up business, we have carried out projects for a large number of companies across diverse markets and industries and have worked in association with many people. Our global Customers are spread over more than 20+ countries across the globe with most customers mainly being in Europe and North America.
We have been an exceptional R&D partner for all our Customers by delivering technology that enables their business, opens markets and kill competition by technology and not by using cheap components.
Being limited by our Non Disclosure Agreements with most Customers, it is often not possible to disclose about our Customers or their projects. Thus without giving many details some examples are given below.
  1. 5 kW Wind turbine Pitch Control Switch Mode power Supply for a European Customer.
    • For a 5 kW wind turbine Pitch control power converter with 10 KW peak power demand and three phase AC input, a high efficiency resonant solution was developed. Resonant switching significantly reduces losses in the primary power devices.
  1. Ultra Compact low cost DC UPS for a US Customer.
    • For this 100 W converter, a single transformer switching at 100 kHz with two primary windings was used.
      For Battery charging, the primary referenced primary winding was switched while the secondary referenced primary winding was used to charge the battery.
      For DC-DC operation, the primary referenced primary winding was inactive while the secondary referenced primary winding was switched to generate the required outputs from the other secondary windings.
  1. 8 kW DC-DC Converter for a European Customer.
    • Interleaving with two converters, resonant switching, digital control, ferrite core transformer, helped exceed customer expectations of cost and performance.
  1. 35 mm high low cost 1800 W DC-DC Converter for inverters for a European Customer.
    • Interleaving with two converters, resonant switching, analog control, replacing expensive transformer cores with ferrite core, helped exceed customer of expectations cost and performance.